Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Plan for Re-Shoot

Video Edit Deadline: Friday 13th November

We are going to re-shoot footage on friday 6th, which will then leave us monday, tuesday and friday to edit, plus because of open evening on wednesday we have booked our computer so we can come in and edit then too.

What we are shooting:
The artist, Charles, walking along various streets in different costumes, for the whole of the song track, including him singing. We will get a variety of shots, (long shots, medium shots, side shots) and will also capture some clear close-ups of charles singing, as from our feedback it is suggested that we need clearer footage of the artist singing in our video, so this should rectify this problem. The footage will be cut together and we shall also try to slipt screen it so he is walkjing side by side in different areas in the video, singing down different streets, these scenes can be added in throughout the video, along with more band performance, which were said to be our best pieces of footage and will help our video have more continuity, as our feedback said that this is needed to make the video less confused.

People Acting:
  • Charles

People Filming:

  • Charmaine
  • Lilly
  • Stephen

Then we shall edit as a group next week.

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