Thursday, 26 November 2009

Magazine Advert

I have developed my first idea of having a cartoon background and the lead singer in natural. i decided rather than taking an image from the future i would use one of the pictures taken on the photoshoot. this is becasue if i took an image from the future it wouldnt be as good quality. i have used a simple shot of me up against a brick wall. i have then changed the bricks into cartoon on photoshot and then i have changed some of the bricks into 6 different bright colours. this keeps it with my initial idea of making the magazine advert eye catching. Too make the advert as much like a real advert i have added some logos onto the bottom and i hope to also add copyright and trade mark logos in as well. I have put the title of the song onto my legs as i am wearing dark jeans and it makes the white font stand out and gives you something else to look at.

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