Monday 23 November 2009

Peer Feedback for music video

The genre characteristics are typical of a rock/pop song as there is performance from the band as well as the main artist. This is typical as there is a shot of the main artist then it is cut and the audience sees the band again.

The visuals within the music video illustrate the lyrics; an example of this is the line “I can’t find my shoes” the visuals show the artist walking along the pavement without shoes on. Another example of this is that the lyrics state “hair is a mess” and the main artist is playing with his hair but also there is text saying the lyrics within the frame.

The visuals and music within the video complement each other. At the start of the video we can both see and hear the band playing, this then changes and the audience is shown the main artist. Later on in the song we see the band playing again and there is a switch between the drums and guitar, this is done as the audience can hear them and see them at the same time. Also in the video editing has been used to go along with the beat of the song. This is when the artist is walking down the street and on the beat each time the image is doubled it starts out with the image, it is then doubled and ends up with many copies of the same image. This is done four times within the video as this is how many times the instrumental is repeated.

The demand of the record label would have been met as the video completely focuses on the main artist and the band. This is because the locations used are quite simple and plain, therefore the audience is not looking at what is going on around but is focused on the artist. Also there are many mid shots of the artist where there is central framing, showing the artist in the centre of the frame. There are also a few costume changes which also promotes the artist.

The camera work used within the video is very effective. There are many mid shots of the artist in the centre of the frame; these are filmed well as even though the camera is moving it is still steady as the artist is walking. There are also close ups of the instruments which works well otherwise the same shots all the time would seem repetitive, as there are many mid shots.
The editing within the video is effective; the idea of the lyrics being written on the shot is good and gives the video a more unique visual style. Also there are quick cuts between shots which keep the attention of the viewer.
The props used in the piece are good as there are the instruments and the mic for the singer. This makes the video seem more realistic and professional which is important for the video. These are the only props used within the music video. The costumes used in the music video are what an everyday man would wear this being jeans and a top, making the artist seem like an everyday person. The lightening used within the video is natural as most of it is filmed outside; this makes the video seem light and bright and therefore fits the genre being pop/rock.

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