Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Digi Pak

For the front cover of our Digi Pak it will feature a photo of the artist leaning against a wall from one of the scenes in the music video, where he is walking down the street. Which gives it a clear link to the video and the music, it also shows the artist which is good for the demands of the record label.
The title of the music video 'too famous to get fully dressed' will be structured above the image of the artist, in a white strip background in a bold black font, therefore the contrast will make it eye catching. The use of the image will give the cover a colourful main feature so the cover is intriguing compared to being a simple black and white cover.

The back cover idea is that the main background is a plain brick wall with the simple contrast of bold black writing of the tracks down the centre, which also includes the music video as a special feature.

To bring out the idea of the special feature, which is to fit in with the use of the Digi Pak's for special feature CD's, there will be some kind of label on the front of the Digi Pak to bring out the speciality.

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