Monday 28 September 2009

Analysis of Jay-Z Poster

Compared to Mika's bright and eye-catching poster, Jay-Z's poster is simply black and white. This may be to make the artist appear more professional and 'grown -up' to appeal to his audience.
I think that the normal demands of the record label used for a video do not apply within the poster either, as in a video normally the record label require many shots of the singer to make sure he is essentially being sold to the viewer as an artist they will want to listen to, whereas this poster does not include a single image of the artist. This shows that they believe that simply the use of his title 'Jay-Z' is enough for people to recognise him.
Although the poster does include all of the needed information, (listed in the 'Analysis of a Mika Poster' post), personally I do no think that the poster is very effective as the lack of colour and images means that nothing is there to catch the readers attention, as the poster is not eye-catching.

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